
When there is no image uploaded

Feb 21st 2017

6 Reasons to Open Your Windows

6 Reasons to Open Your WindowsBeing winter in much of the country, opening your windows is probably one of the last things on our minds. But possibly contrary to popular thought, it is important on the days that are bearable (and if your live in a pa … read more
When there is no image uploaded

Jan 17th 2017

History of the Window Screen

History of the Window ScreenWindow screens are some of the things, like carpet, the light bulb, and other everyday items and materials that go unnoticed by most. Window screens have been assimilated into our everyday life since before we were born an … read more
When there is no image uploaded

Nov 22nd 2016

Preliminary Steps to Making Your House Your Dream Home

Preliminary Steps to Making Your House Your Dream HomeHouse flipping was all the rage a few years ago, and the desire to breathe new life into old and outdated homes is still incredibly popular. Ratings for shows about people remodeling their homes o … read more
When there is no image uploaded

Nov 14th 2016

Caring for Your Window Screens

Caring for Your Window ScreensWindow, door, and other outdoor screens are probably one of the most neglected parts of the house, because they we forget how important they really are. To keep your screens functioning well and keep them tight, heighten … read more