Super Screen: Say Goodbye to Screen Replacement

Oct 28th 2020

Super Screen: Say Goodbye to Screen Replacement

Super Screen: Say Goodbye to Screen Replacement

Our window screens, screen doors, and screen enclosures take a fair beating between the weather, foot traffic, and the outdoor elements. Do you feel like you're constantly having to monitor your screens and replace them? Or, have you just been through a major weather event such as a hurricane and you're looking for better quality screens? Regardless of your situation, if you are thinking about replacing the screens in your screened enclosures, it’s the perfect time to inform you about super screen mesh.

What is Super Screen?

If you haven’t heard about super screen, you may be wondering what makes a super screen so super? Super screen get’s its name as a result of its extreme durability and strength. This screening mesh material is three times stronger than fiberglass screening material and is resistant to many of the factors that leave other mesh in shreds. Super screen is UV-, pet-, hail-, and wind-resistant, and comes with a 10 year manufacturer's warranty. It can also help you keep out no-see-ums. What’s more, our rolls of super screen come in various lengths and widths to make it easier to meet your budget and find the perfect size for your project.

Screen Enclosures & Super Screen

If you have a screened in porch, gazebo, or pool, you understand the luxury of enjoying fresh air and not having to fight off flies, gnats, and other pests. However, if you install super screen you understand ultimate luxury because you have a screen that lasts. Here are a few more reasons you should pick super screen when you need a mesh you can depend on.

What you should know about super screen

It Really Is That Strong

Using “super” in the name of this screen isn’t a gimmick or slick marketing trick. Super screen really is super! Because it is three times stronger than a fiberglass screen, the only thing you have to worry about that could damage your screen is sharp objects such as a knife and extreme weather factors. However, super screen can take on hail and strong gusts of wind so whenever storms come, you can count on super screen to be just as you left it.

It Works Well With Florida Glass

Super screen works excellently with Florida glass screen, which we also carry. Florida Glass screen, also called Shield Glass, is a laminated material that is commonly used in pool enclosures to keep out grass clippings and water. It can also act as a privacy barrier. Florida Glass and super screen can seamlessly create the perfect outdoor enclosure that can keep out insect pests, grass, and other vegetation while looking great doing it.

It Really Does Last

At Metro Screenworks we only retail products that really deliver on their promises. Super screen definitely delivers and really can last up to 10 years or more depending on wear-and-tear it is exposed to. If you are constantly replacing your screen imagine doing seasonal maintenance and not having to worry about rescreening your gazebo or fixing a hole in the screen of your pool enclosure. Use a screen product that won’t waste your time on needless repairs.

It Is a Worthwhile Investment — Easy on the Budget

If you were recently affected by a hurricane, we highly recommend a super screen as a means to repair your home. We suggest this product not only for all of the benefits that it provides, but also because it is an affordable investment that is easy on the budget, Currently screen rolls of super screen start at $99 and are priced up to $635.72 for our largest roll.

If you would like to learn more about super screen or Florida glass, or you are ready to buy, visit our website! Metro Screenworks offers high quality and affordable screen products like window screens, screen doors, screen rolls, screening systems for enclosures, screen rolls, and more. Shop online and chat with us if you have any questions!